Transformation Sessions

Transformation sessions are perfect for anyone who is seeking change, ready for change and who knows they are ready to put the work into creating the change they desire.

As ‘The Transformationalist™’, Karen’s work is to act as a gentle, yet highly effective catalyst, to bring forth change. Her gifts have been described as “wonderfully provocative” and affect all aspects of a person’s life. People have often commented that merely being in Karen’s presence or focused thought, has brought transformation forward for them in their lives.

As a highly skilled intuitive, Karen’s process is to help identify what is blocking a person’s progress and to help that person come to an understanding of why they are blocked in this way. Once she does this, she then shows the person how to transcend the block so that they may move forward in their lives.

Karen helps her clients to begin to see things differently, thus shifting their mindset also known as thought patterns, which allows them to open to new possibilities. It is here, that transformation can occur.

Karen’s clients are gently guided to begin to think outside of their normal thinking box, so that they may see alternative ways of approaching their situation. The result is a powerful ‘aha moment’ of deep awareness and a full recognition of the truth, which brings with it positive change on all levels.

Many people have had the experience of working with a traditional therapist or counsellor and have worked with their clinical practitioner for many sessions prior to seeing a shift in paradigm for themselves. When these same people have come to work with Karen, they have often been heard to exclaim, “I’ve been working on this with my therapist for years and in one session you have released me!”

Karen’s work transcends the norm here because she works on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic areas of a person, all at one time. The process of working with a person’s whole system can allow for a shift in paradigm in as little as one 1-hour session.

As a result, Karen’s clients are able to progress further towards their full potential of self, faster. The transformation that people experience has often been described as, ‘awe-inspiring’, leaving the person with their hope restored and their own sense of self-empowerment refreshed.

Whether you choose to work with Karen, in a private session, or by attending one of her lectures, programs or workshops, your choice to work with The Transformationalist™, will revolutionize your life.

Karen Popoff
Happy woman
Happy man

There is Magic and Power in The Truth. This is the Science of Transformation™. Karen Popoff is The Bringer of Truth. Karen Popoff is The Transformationalist™.